wegewerk. agency for campaigns and online communication in Berlin.

Definition. Why wegewerk?

We prepare and facilitate ways of getting your message across using different communication channels and sustainable custom technical solutions.

Our Services

Co-Creation. The Right Team.

Our customers produce the content, we do packaging and transportation. Playing as a team we get more on the way - that's why we love to develop ideas not in a blackbox, but together with our clients.

About us.

Motivation Is that sustainable?

We identify ourselves with the aims we work on. That's probably why we service some customers almost since we were founded in 2000 and why we have a fairly low churn rate compared to other agencies.

Our Team

Digital Transition. Who cares?

Minds are made up in Social Media, campaigns go digital. As a digital agency with a deep technological understanding we do care where technology takes society and how society reflects on technology.

Our Blog

For tomorrow.

We do campaigns and online communication for social causes. 


FOODWATCH Relaunch with strong petition features

Foodwatch stands up for consumers and sometimes takes on the food industry. On its new website, the association presents itself in a new airy design and with strong petition features.

German Trade Union Confederation (DGB) Don't forget: a human being works here!

Whether at public offices, on buses and trains, in hospitals or with the emergency services: Those who work in the service of society are increasingly becoming victims of violence. Our large-scale awareness campaign for the German Trade Union Confederation counters this.

MISEREOR "Stop Coal Globally" Campaign

The German coal phase-out must be a real one. That is why Misereor is calling for a global coal phase-out with the campaign launched in September. This is to critically accompany the work of the Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment.

A campaign poster shows the face of a woman looking straight ahead.

Christliche Initiative Romero e.V. A campaign makes people hungry for justice.

The NGO coalition "Our Food. Our Future" wants to ensure that there is finally one thing on the table in our food system: justice. We have created a campaign for a young European alliance that comes with a bang.

Your project is missing here?

We communicate your issue, offline or online.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Debating Chatbot

For those who don't want to simply leave the debate columns to populism: Chatbot e-Bert helps arguing for a strong Europe.

Active Philanthropy New Corporate Design

Active Philantropy supports private donors and social investors in the fight against the climate crisis. wegewerk was commissioned to create a new corporate design for the non-profit company and realised a website that convinces through clarity and expressiveness.