The claim "Space for tomorrow." with the logo of the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing on a yellow background.

Space for tomorrow. - Our design makes the process of regional development planning easily accessible.

State development planning interlinks diverse topics such as services of general interest, housing, mobility and climate protection. Under the claim "Space for tomorrow.", wegewerk developed a holistic design concept for the Ministry of Regional Development and Housing Baden-Württemberg that presents the complex issues of the planning process in an understandable way for citizens. Because: "Space for tomorrow." can only be planned together.

A topic that concerns everyone.

The challenge here? Although state development planning affects all citizens in Baden-Württemberg, the topic is still little known. An information and participation campaign should therefore provide information about the planning process and actively involve citizens.

Claim & design with recognisability.

"Raum für morgen." - "Space for tomorrow." is the claim under which the campaign introduces citizens to the topic. In line with this, wegewerk also developed the two logos for the regional development plan and spatial planning and created a holistic corporate design with recognition value.

Graphic realisation of the claim with variable sentence endings and in single-line and three-line notation.

wegewerk developed the claim, which can be applied variably to the various aspects of regional development planning.

Creation of the logos for the regional development plan and spatial observation.

Minimalist and memorable - this is how the two logos for the regional development plan and spatial observation were created.

Presentation of the primary and secondary colours of the new corporate design.

Eye-catching primary colours attract attention, while secondary colours enable the visual separation of different subject areas in brochures, flyers and online.

View of the logo and primary colours in use on a brochure.

Logo, claim and colour scheme create a holistic concept for print products.

View the PowerPoint and Word templates in the corporate design.

Presentations and documents with a recognisable corporate design.


In order to make the changing process of regional development planning easily accessible, wegewerk designed various icons, illustrations and infographics that can be used both for print products and online. This enables targeted communication on various channels.

Display of icons with different coloured backgrounds.

Icons and infographics visualise complex correlations.

Complex topics presented in a true-to-life way.

In citizen dialogues, the state of Baden-Württemberg actively engages with its residents in order to include their interests and wishes and to dispel any concerns. A flyer with all the important information addresses citizens in advance and invites them to the dialogues.

Picture of the information flyer on the citizens' dialogue in the corporate design.

A flyer with the most important information introduces the topic and invites citizens to exchange ideas.

A detailed brochure also presents the complex issues surrounding regional development planning and spatial planning in a clear and realistic way. In addition, wegewerk created roll-ups in the corporate design for the local citizen dialogues. In this way, the residents of Baden-Württemberg can actively inform themselves about the topics of state development planning and get involved.

Furthermore, wegewerk produced event materials such as stools and give-away items such as cloth bags and seed bags to round off the concept.

Photo of several stools with printed logo and graphics. The graphics can be seen individually on the left and a woman sitting on one of the stools on the right.

Stools with various illustrations on the topic of regional development planning offer seating options at events. MLW BW, Foto: Torben Nuding

View of the rollup design and a photo of several rollups at an event with a speaker and audience.

In use at events: Roll-ups make regional development planning tangible. MLW BW, Foto: Torben Nuding

Ansicht der Postkarten sowie Foto einer Person, die einen Stoffbeutel im Kampagnendesign trägt.

Regional development planning in everyday life: postcards and cloth bags to take along to events. MLW BW, Foto: Torben Nuding