Many children and young people had to take a back seat in the Corona era. With a new funding programme, the German Children and Youth Foundation now wants to get thousands of projects off the ground to catch up. Our communication work for the programme brings together the funding programme and the beneficiaries.

Funding seeks project promoter: Our communication work for AUF!leben brings together what belongs together.

Our colour guidance system in action: Both on the website and on the funding programme's social media channels, information on projects is highlighted in light blue and thus stands out from the rest of the content. Information on funding, on the other hand, is yellow.
During the lockdowns, not only schools were closed, but also sports clubs, youth clubs and much more - places where children and young people can actually be among their peers and be strengthened in their personal development. In order to make up for these experiences as quickly and as well as possible, the DKJS programme "AUF!leben - Zukunft ist jetzt.", funded by the German Federal Government, is now looking for local organisations that want to create new youth clubs. is now looking for local organisations that want to start new catch-up projects for young people. In order to ensure that as many organisations as possible apply for funding - and that as many young people as possible benefit from AUF!leben - wegewerk has developed a new website and managed the social media and press work for the programme.
A colour-coded way to funding application.

DKJS/Nadj Torma
The funding is there. But in order to turn them into successful child and youth work, potential project organisers first have to become aware of "AUF!leben" and then find their way through the application process. We have ensured the necessary attention with press events, materials for journalists and close cooperation with media partners. In the social media, we also portray successful projects that have already been created within the framework of AUF!leben.
Sponsors who are interested in working with us will find all the information they need on the new programme website, as well as an intuitive colour-coded system that makes applying for funding as easy and clear as possible. And our communication concept is working: shortly after the start of the project, the DKJS is pleased about the overwhelming number of applications.