Federation of German Private School Associations We‘ve got your back. And you?

Health schools are an essential pillar of our health system. However, recent policy developments could soon shake this pillar. Our campaign for the Alliance for Health Schools aims to prevent this.

They support us, strengthen our voices and give us advice and support: physiotherapists, speech therapists, medical technologists and other health professionals are the backbone of our health system. However, despite their importance to society and a now crushing shortage of skilled workers, motivated young professionals are already being made very difficult to train for their dream job. Now the training is also to be fully academised - i.e. only possible at universities. For the Alliance for Health Schools, initiated by the associations of German and Bavarian public schools (VDP and VBP), wegewerk has now developed a campaign to prevent this.
A strong claim.
To do this, we first looked for a concept that would get to the heart of the social significance of health professionals. It proved difficult at first to reconcile the relevance of the various professions - from speech therapy to occupational therapy to podiatry - in a single claim, but we finally succeeded with the headline "We've got your back. And you?"

Video testimonials from all over Germany.
In ww_edit we developed a campaign website where interested people can download extensive campaign materials such as stickers and posters as well as an information brochure. In addition, the website has a video wall that shows testimonials from real apprentices. The video testimonials, which now number more than 60, were made as a result of an appeal by trainees from all over Germany.
Druck auf die Politik - mit Antistressbällen.

Pressure on politics - with anti-stress balls.
But our campaign is not only making an impact in the digital space, but also in real life: Various health schools held an open day where politicians were invited to see for themselves the training situation they want to abolish. In addition, we produced a giveaway of therabands and anti-stress balls, which were then sent to key political representatives, as well as an information brochure summarizing the demands of the participating associations and private schools, which could be handed over to politicians in conversation - as food for thought, so to speak, to take home.
wegewerk was responsible for the conception, design and implementation as well as the texts of the project.

Zusätzlich produzierten wir als Giveaway Therabänder und Antistressbälle, die dann an entscheidende Vertreter*innen der Politik versendet wurden, sowie eine Informationsbroschüre , die die Forderungen der beteiligten Verbände und Privatschulen zusammenfasst und Politiker*innen im Gespräch übergeben werden kann - quasi als Denkanstoß zum mit nach Hause nehmen. wegewerk war für die Konzeption, Gestaltung und Umsetzung sowie die Texte des Projekts zuständig.