Digital competence is not defined by showmanship, but by the ability to make messages discoverable and emotionally experienceable. We value accessible, responsive and search engine optimized web designs instead of playful demonstrations of skill and the latest technical gizmos.

Web design

As a web design agency, we don't just provide screen design for websites. We design user experiences for all online media. Our methods include prototypes and close coordination with those who later implement or operate them.

User Experience (UX)

Which effects can tell a story in an optimal way? How can users navigate efficiently or fill out forms easily? How can the desired conversion be achieved? We develop consistent and creative solutions.

Information design

Our information designers present data, facts and connections in an understandable way - as a sharepic for social media, as an animation for your website or interactive chart that makes data comprehensible in a playful way.


Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. One website, countless perspectives.

The magazine KULTURAUSTAUSCH from the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations sharpens the German view of other cultures. With the relaunch of the website, international cultural relations can also be viewed online from unusual angles.

View of the suggested articles on the start page as well as the unfolded surprise-me feature with a randomly suggested article.

Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) Die Historie einer Gewerkschaft

Besonderheit der mit TYPO3 realisierten Website ist die Kombination aus Zeitleiste zum chronologischen Einstieg und Inhaltsgalerie zum assoziativen Einstieg.

Für mobile Endgeräte optimierte Ansicht einer Themenseite

Vereinte Dienstleistungs-Gewerkschaft (ver.di) Relaunch und App für die Initiative Mindestlohn

Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der Mindestlohn-Kampagne ging es um die Begleitung der Einführung. wegewerk modernisierte dazu die Kampagnen-Website und setzten einen neuen strategischen Fokus auf die Mitgliedergewinnung und das Melden von Verstößen.

Öko-Institut e.V. A new design for a variety of content

The Öko-Institut transforms scientific findings on a wide range of ecological topics into practical solutions. The Institute therefore provides a wide range of online services for interested parties. wegewerk developed a new, tidy web design for the relaunch of the site. This will simplify the maintenance of the diverse content in future, without restricting the possibilities for presenting it.

View of the home page sub-items "Topics in focus" and "Press releases" in the desktop and mobile versions.