At the beginning of 2013, wegewerk won the contract to develop a campaign concept for the German Renewable Energy Federation (BEE). (BEE) including a planning of actions. The BEE is the umbrella organisation of the renewable energy sector in Germany and the federation of professional associations from the fields of hydropower, wind energy, bioenergy, solar energy and geothermal energy.

Poster motifs highlight the consequences of clinging to fossil energies.

Bild einer brenenenden Ölplattform in einer U-Bahn Station. Über dem Poster ist ein schwarzer Fleck an der Decke

With large-scale advertising, the "where" is at least as important as the "what". The posters were therefore placed in strategically important locations - such as the underground station Weinmeisterstr.

The goal of the campaign is to intervene in the public debate about the pace and costs of the energy transition in the sense of the renewable energy industry and to highlight the economic advantage of renewable energies over fossil and nuclear. To communicate this message, wegewerk developed a series of motifs that clearly show these consequential costs. Via the core message "No hidden costs", these lead to the demand of the campaign "Renewable energy transition now", which was embedded in a corresponding campaign logo.

Online lobby tool with responsive design.

For this purpose, wegewerk developed the campaign website based on the content management system (CMS) ww.edit. The site uses responsive design, i.e. its structure adapts to the type and size of the device used to access it. The site's functionality includes campaign support modules (e-cards and supporter lists), as well as a newsletter. An online lobby tool uses a traffic light system to show the positions of all candidates for the 2013 federal elections on the three core demands of the campaign. Supporters of the campaign can then contact each individual candidate with an e-card to say: I demand the "Renewable Energy Transition Now!"

The further course of the campaign was discussed with the BEE and its member associations in a workshop led by wegewerk.