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E-Mail-Marketing New Gmail Sender Guidelines: What to do from February 2024

Anyone who regularly sends email newsletters via a mailing system such as Rapidmail, Hubspot or Mailchimp should check their server logs again in February of this year. This is because new email sender guidelines will come into force at Google and Yahoo. In this blog post, we show you exactly what will change from February and how you can ensure that email newsletters continue to reach their recipients.

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View of the home page sub-items "Topics in focus" and "Press releases" in the desktop and mobile versions.

Öko-Institut e.V. Institute for Applied Ecology A new design for a variety of content

The Öko-Institut transforms scientific findings on a wide range of ecological topics into practical solutions. The Institute therefore provides a wide range of online services for interested parties. wegewerk developed a new, tidy web design for the relaunch of the site. This will simplify the maintenance of the diverse content in future, without restricting the possibilities for presenting it.

Mehr zu A new design for a variety of content