WordPress is the world's most widely used CMS and offers an impressive range of optional add-ons (extensions) and ready-made designs (themes). WordPress was originally a blog system and has the typical structure of an article database. In combination with third-party extensions, however, many typical requirements of a professional enterprise CMS can now be met.


We will be happy to find a suitable WordPress design (theme) and adapt it as far as possible. Or we can create your own individual theme to suit your needs.


If common WordPress extensions are not enough, we can adapt them or develop our own customised solutions for your use case.

System Integration

We are happy to connect your WordPress website to other systems via interfaces (such as donation tools, bulk mailers for newsletters or CRM systems as a member database).


We train your editorial staff and review specific use cases. On request, we also create editorial manuals in which standard tasks are explained comprehensibly.


With our dedicated support team, we are happy to take on the support and ongoing development of WordPress platforms - we are happy to help.


Deutschland sicher im Netz The Digital Cyber Handbook

Whether on the water or on the internet: Safe surfing is something you have to learn first. Thanks to the new cyberfibel published by the association Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V., this can now be done even by people who have little or no experience with the internet. Hang Loose!

Technische Universität München Explainer-Website for the Teaching Clearing-House

Die TU München vermittelt zwischen Bildungsforschung und Bildungspraxis. Wie genau, das zeigen unsere Erklärfilme und Podcasts.

The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament Websites for Members of the European Parliament

In order for the newly elected MEPs Anna Cavazzini and Jutta Paulus to be able to start their work online, wegewerk has developed new websites in record time, which are characterised by slimness and great user-friendliness.

Bild eines Laptops, auf dem die Startseite der Website zu sehen ist. Die Startseite zeigt ein Bild der Parlamentarierin Anna Cavazzini.

IHK The Campaign Website Against Red Tape

Berlins Verwaltung braucht dringend frischen Wind. Für die IHK Berlin schuf wegewerk eine stadtweite Aufmerksamkeitskampagne mit Plakaten, Onlinekommunikation, Printprodukten und mehr. Das Medienecho ist groß und die Reaktion aus der Politik folgt wenige Monate später.

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion Ein Wordpress-Blog-Baukasten für grüne Themen

Um kurzfristig über unterschiedliche Themen informieren zu können, hat wegewerk der Bundestagsfraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen einen Blog-Baukasten an die Hand gegeben. Basis ist eine Wordpress-Instanz, deren Theme leicht auf unterschiedliche Inhalte angepasst werden kann.