Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main From the classic management system to interactive use

Here you will quickly find what you are looking for: The new website of the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association.
The Frankfurt am Main Bar Association (RAKF) is a self-governing body of authorised lawyers in the Hessian regional court districts in the Frankfurt am Main area. Its tasks include advising and supporting its members, as well as the professional supervision of authorised lawyers. With its comprehensive tasks, the RAKF website has to cater to different target groups. In addition to (specialist) lawyers, this also includes trainee lawyers, apprentices and citizens. wegewerk has relaunched the website and thus optimised its handling for users.
Cleared up menu for better user guidance
In joint workshops, we worked out a quickly comprehensible menu navigation through the sometimes deep and nested content from the extensive levels. This enabled us to create a menu that is accessible via keyboard and formulated in a gender-neutral way. This has significantly improved user guidance and the ability to find specialised content.
New design with practical features
The old structure of the website was to remain largely unchanged. However, it was expanded to include a new digital design and new features. With the relaunch, the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association not only received an update to the TYPO3 version, but also better search engine accessibility and a design that impresses above all with its modern, serious and minimalist look.

A clear menu with intuitive user guidance

Job market management made simple
We have completely reorganised the existing advertising market. Anyone placing an advertisement now has significantly optimised management options. Without having to manage their own account, advertisements can now be customised via email links and deleted independently. This facilitates free access for more users and reduces the administrative workload for the Frankfurt am Main Bar Association. In addition, filterable lists have been added to the market, which simplify the search function in terms of overview and navigation. Anyone looking for job offers, premises or co-operations can now find what they are looking for more quickly.