ICJA Volunteer Exchange Worldwide New print design

ICJA Voluntary Exchange Worldwide connects - interculturally and intergenerationally. The new annual report of the association picks up on this area of tension and makes it comprehensible with a fresh design concept.

Every year, the ICJA Volunteer Exchange Worldwide enables several hundred volunteers to travel abroad for three to twelve months and support local projects on a voluntary basis. In this way, the association strengthens socio-political commitment and, above all, creates connections - both interculturally and between generations. Because ICJA is not only supported by a wide variety of cohorts of ex-volunteers on a voluntary basis, but also allows people up to 80 years of age to do good abroad.
Classic meets modern design.
For the ICJA's most important publication, the annual report, wegewerk developed a design that picks up on this tension between young and old and makes it tangible. Here, a classically kept layout meets generously used colour areas; handwriting, speech bubble elements and serif fonts seamlessly blend into an overall picture of established and modern. The central design element of each issue is a focal colour, which is set to match the thematic focus of the report and thus lends it distinctive power.