Federation of German Consumer Organisations Voting Advice Application for the Bundestag Election

With "Consumers decide", the Federation of German Consumer Organisations presented its political positions in a playful way - as a voting advice application.

Die Startseite bietet einen spielerischen Einstieg in den Wahltest.

Jede der fünf Stationen richtet drei Fragen mit mehreren Antwortmöglichkeiten an die Nutzer.

Und los geht´s! Die Besucher/innen können ihre Meinung zu den Kernthemen Lebensmittel, Gesundheit, Digitales, Energie und Finanzen prüfen und abgeben.
The Federation of German Consumer Organisations (Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband) represents the interests of consumers vis-à-vis politics, business and civil society in five core areas, including food, health, digital, energy and finance.
The 2013 federal election provided the occasion to inform a younger target group online about the different political positions on consumer protection. The election check asked them for their own opinion and made clear to them the power of consumers: Consumers decide the federal election, that is the message.
The approach is a playful and dynamic one that turns political information into an entertaining format. Users clicked their way through a marketplace situation with five typical consumer settings such as a supermarket or a bank branch, where they were repeatedly led to a questionnaire by means of playful drag-and-drop interactions.
At the end of the election check, a diagram showed which party would most likely represent their own positions.
A privacy-compliant integration of social media functions made it possible to share the site with one's own comments in social networks.
The website was implemented in Drupal and can thus be further developed for more complex campaigns.