Module development

We either adapt current Drupal modules or develop tailor-made solutions for new applications and functions if required.

System integration and APIs

To process data, we integrate Drupal with newsletter tools, CRM systems, document management, databases or social media.


Mit Campaignion bieten wir eine Drupal-basierte Kampagnenplattform für Petitionen, Mailings, Fundraising, CRM- und Newsletter-Schnittstellen.


We train your editorial staff and review specific use cases. On request, we also create editorial manuals in which standard tasks are explained comprehensibly.


With our dedicated support team, we are happy to take on the support and ongoing development of WordPress platforms - we are happy to help.

High Security Solutions

We also use Drupal when it comes to security requirements. Ask us about DMZ, intrusion detection systems, XML gateways and web application firewalls.



wegewerk implemented the relaunch of the IASS, based on the CMS Drupal version 8. The new information architecture and web design present research and the contributors of the IASS in an accessible, flexible and user-friendly way.

Start page of the IASS

Innovatively connected in Science

wegewerk implemented the relaunch of the IASS, based on the CMS Drupal version 8. The new information architecture and web design present research and the contributors of the IASS in an accessible, flexible and user-friendly way.

Start page of the IASS

Médecins sans frontières Doctors with new website

Relaunch and ongoing expansion of the German section of MSF / Doctors without Borders.

Screenshot of the homepage

Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion Ein Wordpress-Blog-Baukasten für grüne Themen

Um kurzfristig über unterschiedliche Themen informieren zu können, hat wegewerk der Bundestagsfraktion von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen einen Blog-Baukasten an die Hand gegeben. Basis ist eine Wordpress-Instanz, deren Theme leicht auf unterschiedliche Inhalte angepasst werden kann.